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Clearance Bin

Check out our clearance bin on our Facebook Page to get amazing discounts for our mosaic kits!

Handmade Items for Sale

Great for gifts or for your own personal collection!

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Home Improvement Challenge

We've been quiet for awhile now, just taking a break from the craft fairs and working on some personal projects of our own. But now it's time to stir things up and have a little fun! And what better way to do it then to put out a Home Improvement Challenge for all of you.

It's easy, simply use our mosaic tiles to dress up something in your home, like a vase or a photo frame. Other rules are use your creativity and don't limit your imagination. There are no prizes (it's all for the love of the art) but bragging rights and a warm feeling of self-satisfaction is yours if you wish to participate. Then, send us a picture of your item with a mini description and we will post them up on our blog! Easy peasy!

As a start, let me know which would you like me to work on:


Friday 6 May 2011

Mosaic Art for the Little Ones

As I was thinking today of the future of Square Art and how we can reach out to the masses, my thoughts veered to how kids react to our mosaic tiles. In previous craft fairs, we would see children of all ages reaching out to the colourful tiles and pictures and even their parents were drawn to their enthusiasm. We even had a lovely buyer who bought some tiles for children to create lovely pieces as Mother's Day gifts for a local Sunday School. Then I thought, will it end up with the parents doing most of the work (like one parent we met who was afraid of that) or will the children enjoy doing it by themselves?

Then I stumbled into this video of children creating mosaic art using egg shells. It shows that given the right instruction and direction, children are able to express themselves confidently through art. Watch right through the end when they describe what they did :)

Perhaps, given the right encouragement and passion, they will be able to come out with works of art such as these in the future:

Note: Square Art sells acrylic mosaic tiles and DIY mosaic kits both for children and adults alike. Some of the tiles are small and children will require adult supervision. However, these kits are good for children ages 6 and up and are great for them to express themselves through art and as a new hobby. ^CL
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